Thursday, June 14, 2007

Canada, and the canadianity therein

So, I meant to post RIGHT AWAY when I got back. But I forgot. Bad me.

What happened:
I got there almost EXACTLY on time (a first for me) and got myself set up. I wound up getting stuck at Immigration (!) because I failed to remember Squirrel's real name, and they thought I was a terrorist, or something.

I played one of the slot 0 mods, and was astounded to find I had played BOTH of the other slot 0 mods, so i went to squirrel and anat's early.
Squirrel and I went to the con via Skytrain, and I (once again) forgot that my debit card does not work as a debit card in canada. fortunately, Squirrel remembered, and kept me from looking like an idiot for too long.

Upon arrival at the con, we found our table, sat down, and I ran whatever it was. between slots, we ate, then I headed back to play some. This pattern repeated throughtout the con; play or judge, eat, play or judge, eat, etc. At some point, I had a bit of empty time, and wound up meeting people. Imagine that, meeting people at a convention! The most memorable person I met is a girl named Alex. She's really cute... okay, hot, about my age (25) and a USian! unfortunately, she is of a sexual orientation which is incompatible with having sex with guys, and even if she were straight or bi, she's not single. *Sigh*.
In spite (or because) of this, we talked a lot, and enjoyed each other's company. i would call her my friend.
I came home with 3 boxes of minis, only one of which I had to pay for, and I had a lot of fun. I networked and socialized.
the end.

Oh, and it took me three F***ING HOURS to get out of vancouver, because I couldn't find the blasted 99!

Quaff More; I run

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