I am a child of the internet. I have grown up with big Brother watching over my shoulder, asking me what I'm doing. I have grown up being aware that with a total of about 15 clicks and twenty keystrokes, anyone anywhere could get a hold of my personal information. I understand that, in general, privacy concerns are overstated, and the ones who feel that they NEED privacy really are the ones who have something to hide. However, I also believe that there are a lot of unsavory people out there. People who would like very much to do unpleasant things to people who don't deserve it. Recently, Blizzard launched a feature that allows friends who trust each other to communicate across servers, and eventually across games. A side effect of this system is that, when exploited, people who are not in a trusted relationship with each other are able to view each others' names. Full, real, legal names. On its own, this is not the end of the world; the feature can be opted out of, and / or banned by parents.
Now here is the issue, as posted by one of my friends, on facebook (edited for punctuation):
Important! Picked this advice up from my buddy: Go to the top right of your screen, click Account, & then click Edit Friends. Go to the leftside of your screen and click Phonebook. Everyone's phone # is being published. Please repost to let your friends know of this change in security so that they may remove their phone numbers or change their privacy settings.For what it's worth, not everyone's phone number is published. I couldn't find TJ's, for instance. I am told that my phone number is in there. I don't recall giving Facebook my permission to share my phone number with anyone. This is not the first, just the latest, privacy violation that I have heard about from Facebook.
So, Facebook, I'm sorry. We've had some good times, what with farmville, castleage and a veritable bounty of flash games. But I just can't be in a relationship with someone who brags about everything I do with them. If I gave you my phone number, it was in confidence. I didn't want it shared to the world at large. If someone wants my phone number, they can ask. Facebook, I'm breaking up with you. facebook friends, I'm sorry if This means I will talk to you less often. It's not you, I promise. it's me.
Aaron C
mail_from_FB (at) acwpd (dot) com